
Documentations of TECHMANIA projects, hosted in a repo so they can be localized.

Project maintained by techmania-team Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Applies to version: 1.4

Here are all the commands, channels and features that are supported. Anything not listed here will be ignored by the converter.


#GENRE, #TITLE, #ARTIST, #BPM, #LNTYPE 1 (#LNTYPE 2 not supported), #LNOBJ

Long notes will be converted to TECHMANIA’s hold notes.

Sound files

#WAVxx, #OGGxx

Alternative extension is supported: if sound.wav is not found, converter will look for sound.ogg, and vice versa.

BMP files

#BMPxx, but only when it refers to a video in .wmv or .mp4 format

The 1st note (if any) in channel 04 that refers to such a video will become the converted pattern’s BGA, all other notes in all BGA channels (04, 06, 07, etc.) are ignored.

BPM changes

#BPMxx, channel 03, channel 08


#STOPxx, channel 09

Note channels

01, 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x

5x and 6x are ignored if #LNTYPE 2.

The channels are mapped to lanes using the following strategy: